General Information for College Student Loans
You will need to provide the following: no later than May 15th for the Fall semester and November 1st for the Spring semester:
- Your student loan application (available here)
- Applications for three (3) guarantors (available here). Your guarantors must be 18 years of age, residents of Arizona, and Jewish. Because Arizona is a community-property state, a married couple is considered as one guarantor.
- Proof of enrollment (class schedule or tuition payment receipt)
- Transcript of your grades (if you are not an incoming Freshman) showing your GPA
An interview will be scheduled (via Zoom) for you and all of your guarantors, who must be present. During the interview you and your guarantors will be able to ask any questions, and your interviewers will explain the process for check disbursement, repayment terms, and the need to do a community service (Tikkun Olam) project.
Before a check is issued, all of the promissory notes must be signed (and notarized, if required) and returned to the office with a photocopy of your picture ID.
You will be contacted prior to your second disbursement. At this time you will be asked to submit the following:
- Second semester/quarter proof of enrollment (student class schedule)
- Your most recent transcript showing your GPA.
- A progress report/update on your Tikkun Olam project.
You must be current in your loan repayments in order to receive a check. Spring semester disbursements are mailed upon receipt of your documents.
For a continuing loan, for your next Fall semester, you will need to submit:
- A Student Loan Update Form (provided by JFL’s Services Coordinator)
- This form must be completed by you and each of your guarantors.
- Proof of enrollment (schedule) for upcoming semester
- Your most recent transcript showing your GPA
- A progress report/update or final report on your Tikkun Olam project
You and all guarantors will be required to sign new promissory notes and you will need to sign a new Tikkun Olam commitment form.